ADVION Knockout Leaderboard

PPM Virtual Reality Game Screenshot

The Official ADVION Knockout Challenge Leaderboard

Syngenta brings you the ADVION Knockout Challenge - a virtual reality game where you take control of a commercial kitchen cockroach problem with the might of ADVION to back you up. 

Next chance to play is at the PMANZ Conference. Come along to the Syngenta stand and see if you can beat the high scores! 

Name ScoreFrom
Kevin394Brisbane, QLD 
Jade370Rockhampton, QLD 
Ravi356Rapid EduCON, Gold Coast 
Ben347Rockhampton, QLD 
John338Taylor Lakes, VIC
Marshall Jrn330Taylor Lakes, VIC
Ben325Rockhampton, QLD 
Kevin312Cairns, QLD 
Jade310Rockhampton, QLD 
Dave309Geelong, VIC
Brad306Rapid EduCON, Gold Coast 
Dan305Rapid EduCON, Gold Coast 
Dave298Cairns, QLD 
Viv 296Cairns, QLD 
Mark291Marrochydore, QLD 
Brett289Sydney, NSW
Pete Test286Dandenong, VIC
Stuart285Tamworth, NSW
Stuart283Tamworth, NSW
Jimmy282Rockhampton, QLD 
Bruce277Penrith, NSW 
Alan274Rapid EduCON, Gold Coast 
John270Taylor Lakes, VIC
Joshua267Albury, NSW
Liam262Brisbane, QLD 
Darryl258Brisbane, QLD 
Hayden255Brisbane, QLD 
Judith255Taylor Lakes, VIC
Jimmy252Rockhampton, QLD 
Dean251Brisbane, QLD 
Yesenia251Sydney, NSW
Adam250Rapid EduCON, Gold Coast 
Adam248Brisbane, QLD 
Darren247Taylor Lakes, VIC
Chris243Sydney, NSW
Joshua242Albury, NSW
Caine242Marrochydore, QLD 
Mike242Sydney, NSW
Ray241Christchurch, NZ
Scott239Rockhampton, QLD 
Carl238Brisbane, QLD 
Ken237Rapid EduCON, Gold Coast 
Scott236Rockhampton, QLD 
Anthony236Rapid EduCON, Gold Coast 
James235Auckland, NZ
Ray235Geelong, VIC
Ryno234Geelong, VIC
Jordan232Wellington, NZ
Maurice232Cairns, QLD 
Jordan230Macquarie Park, NSW 
Khurren230Taylor Lakes, VIC
Jim230Rapid EduCON, Gold Coast 
Jason229Christchurch, NZ
Chris229Marrochydore, QLD 
Carl229Brisbane, QLD 
Scott229Rapid EduCON, Gold Coast 
Shaun226Geelong, VIC
Nikki226Tamworth, NSW
Scott226Rapid EduCON, Gold Coast 
Craig225Marrochydore, QLD 
Colin224Gold Coast, QLD 
Bree222Rockhampton, QLD 
Catherine221Albury, NSW
Beau221Gold Coast, QLD 
Mick221Mackay, QLD
Hoi221Taylor Lakes, VIC
Mark220Gold Coast, QLD 
Jason220Marrochydore, QLD 
Jackson220Rapid EduCON, Gold Coast 
Helen219Auckland, NZ
Josh219Bundaberg, QLD
Tim219Marrochydore, QLD 
Shaun219Penrith, NSW 
Tim218Cairns, QLD 
Paul218Taylor Lakes, VIC
Pete217Gold Coast, QLD 
Ruby217Sydney, NSW
Stephen217Rapid EduCON, Gold Coast 
Mark215Ballina, NSW 
Mick215Toowoomba, QLD 
Justin 214Brisbane, QLD 
Kurt214Cairns, QLD 
Eric214Rockhampton, QLD 
Jackson213Mackay, QLD
Ken213Marrochydore, QLD 
Troy212Gold Coast, QLD 
Ben212Gold Coast, QLD 
Shane211Christchurch, NZ
Justin211Penrith, NSW 
Mark211Toowoomba, QLD 
Mick211Toowoomba, QLD 
Bryan211Rapid EduCON, Gold Coast 
Phil208Albury, NSW
Brian208Gold Coast, QLD 
Ed207Marrochydore, QLD 
Troy206Gold Coast, QLD 
Colin206Brisbane, QLD 
Phillip205Christchurch, NZ
Andrew205Macquarie Park, NSW 
Mark205Toowoomba, QLD 
Elvis204Mackay, QLD
Mark204Toowoomba, QLD 
Chris204Townsville, QLD
Damien203Cairns, QLD 
Simon202Taylor Lakes, VIC
Tony201Ballina, NSW 
Test201Toowoomba, QLD 
Adam200Penrith, NSW 
Dave200Penrith, NSW 
Jamie200Taylor Lakes, VIC
Mark199Gold Coast, QLD 
Jodi199Macquarie Park, NSW 
Jack 199Brisbane, QLD 
Chris198Ballina, NSW 
Dave198Penrith, NSW 
Glen198Rapid EduCON, Gold Coast 
Mark197Christchurch, NZ
Michael197Macquarie Park, NSW 
Mark197Napier, NZ
Tarme196Cairns, QLD 
Tony195Ballina, NSW 
Kris195Brisbane, QLD 
Jake195Wellington, NZ
Mark194Macquarie Park, NSW 
Paul194Napier, NZ
Nicholas194Sydney, NSW
Peter193Macquarie Park, NSW 
Vinay192Auckland, NZ
Max192Rapid EduCON, Gold Coast 
Kevin191Albury, NSW
Maragret191Macquarie Park, NSW 
Jenny191Penrith, NSW 
Craig191Sydney, NSW
Vinay190Auckland, NZ
Kelly190Brisbane, QLD 
Phil189Auckland, NZ
Charles189Brisbane, QLD 
Mark189Brisbane, QLD 
Paul189Bundaberg, QLD
Andrew189Toowoomba, QLD 
Alan189Rapid EduCON, Gold Coast 
Chris 188Albury, NSW
Helen188Auckland, NZ
Mitch188Geelong, VIC
Murray188Rotorua, NZ
Jamie188Taylor Lakes, VIC
Mick188Toowoomba, QLD 
Phil187Auckland, NZ
Paul187Napier, NZ
Shail187Wellington, NZ
Edward186Dandenong, VIC
Scott186Brisbane, QLD 
Mark185Napier, NZ
Paul185Wellington, NZ
Edward184Dandenong, VIC
Steve184Rapid EduCON, Gold Coast 
John183Napier, NZ
Russell183Napier, NZ
Stuart183Rotorua, NZ
Han183Brisbane, QLD 
Phil182Albury, NSW
Solomon182Auckland, NZ
Will182Sydney, NSW
Maihi181Auckland, NZ
Helen181Auckland, NZ
Test181Ballina, NSW 
Mark181Ballina, NSW 
Nathan181Brisbane, QLD 
Kaiz181Dandenong, VIC
Murray181Rotorua, NZ
John181Brisbane, QLD 
Noel181Rapid EduCON, Gold Coast 
James180Macquarie Park, NSW 
Paul180Napier, NZ
Scott180Brisbane, QLD 
Brent180Wellington, NZ
Marshall180Rapid EduCON, Gold Coast 
Tom179Ballina, NSW 
Byron179Macquarie Park, NSW 
Hayden 179Rotorua, NZ
Tony179Sydney, NSW
Craig179Sydney, NSW
Paul179Rapid EduCON, Gold Coast 
Maihi178Auckland, NZ
John178Napier, NZ
Trevor178Brisbane, QLD 
Matt 178Brisbane, QLD 
Andrew 178Toowoomba, QLD 
Jeremy178Toowoomba, QLD 
Darren178Wellington, NZ
Ian178Rapid EduCON, Gold Coast 
Richard177Christchurch, NZ
Glenn177Macquarie Park, NSW 
Darren177Wellington, NZ
Jim176Ballina, NSW 
Bob176Macquarie Park, NSW 
Reeyce176Marrochydore, QLD 
Paul176Napier, NZ
Joseph 176Penrith, NSW 
Trevor176Brisbane, QLD 
Pracilla176Sydney, NSW
Paul176Wellington, NZ
Josh175Brisbane, QLD 
Mark175Christchurch, NZ
Kaiz175Dandenong, VIC
Glenn175Macquarie Park, NSW 
Mark175Rapid EduCON, Gold Coast 
Feroz174Auckland, NZ
Chris174Ballina, NSW 
Justin 174Bundaberg, QLD
Mark174Christchurch, NZ
Ray174Geelong, VIC
Murray174Rotorua, NZ
Tim173Ballina, NSW 
Jordan173Wellington, NZ
Vaughan172Auckland, NZ
Mark172Napier, NZ
Martin171Brisbane, QLD 
Josh171Bundaberg, QLD
Laurie171Bundaberg, QLD
Pushpinder171Dandenong, VIC
Ben171Marrochydore, QLD 
Justin171Penrith, NSW 
Avi171Brisbane, QLD 
Darryl171Townsville, QLD
Shailendra171Wellington, NZ
Hayden170Rotorua, NZ
Scott170Brisbane, QLD 
Jake170Wellington, NZ
Richard169Christchurch, NZ
Brad169Gold Coast, QLD 
Noel169Mackay, QLD
Mathew169Brisbane, QLD 
Will169Sydney, NSW
Rowan 169Townsville, QLD
Rob169Rapid EduCON, Gold Coast 
Pete168Geelong, VIC
Shail168Wellington, NZ
Solomon167Auckland, NZ
James 166Auckland, NZ
Leah166Ballina, NSW 
Wayne166Bundaberg, QLD
Maxine166Christchurch, NZ
Kyran166Gold Coast, QLD 
Chris166Gold Coast, QLD 
Russell166Napier, NZ
Kasel166Brisbane, QLD 
John166Taylor Lakes, VIC
Craig166Townsville, QLD
Darren166Wellington, NZ
Brad165Auckland, NZ
Brad164Auckland, NZ
Pushpinder164Dandenong, VIC
Alex164Mackay, QLD
Sultan164Macquarie Park, NSW 
Elaine164Marrochydore, QLD 
Haily164Sydney, NSW
Tony163Ballina, NSW 
Viv163Cairns, QLD 
Hayden 163Rotorua, NZ
Tony163Sydney, NSW
Pete163Tamworth, NSW
Nick163Wellington, NZ
Leah162Ballina, NSW 
John 162Bundaberg, QLD
Maxine162Christchurch, NZ
Tony 161Tamworth, NSW
Brent161Wellington, NZ
David161Rapid EduCON, Gold Coast 
Maxine159Christchurch, NZ
Ian159Dandenong, VIC
Jeni158Gold Coast, QLD 
Jeff158Mackay, QLD
Joseph157Macquarie Park, NSW 
Clare 157Townsville, QLD
Josh157Rapid EduCON, Gold Coast 
Serenade157Rapid EduCON, Gold Coast 
Umesh157Rapid EduCON, Gold Coast 
Ruby156Sydney, NSW
John155Sydney, NSW
Graham155Sydney, NSW
Shane155Rapid EduCON, Gold Coast 
Tim154Ballina, NSW 
Nathan154Geelong, VIC
Avi154Brisbane, QLD 
Pooja154Sydney, NSW
Kristy153Macquarie Park, NSW 
Jannelle153Brisbane, QLD 
Chris153Sydney, NSW
Wayne153Wellington, NZ
Chris152Gold Coast, QLD 
Sandra152Wellington, NZ
Jordan151Cairns, QLD 
Maxine151Christchurch, NZ
Sean151Penrith, NSW 
Kasel151Brisbane, QLD 
Nick151Tamworth, NSW
Shane149Marrochydore, QLD 
Russell148Napier, NZ
Larry148Penrith, NSW 
Sam148Sydney, NSW
Jamie148Taylor Lakes, VIC
Rose 148Townsville, QLD
Liam148Townsville, QLD
Steve147Brisbane, QLD 
Paul147Marrochydore, QLD 
Joe145Cairns, QLD 
Simon145Dandenong, VIC
Jess145Sydney, NSW
Seiya145Sydney, NSW
Liam145Townsville, QLD
Vinay144Auckland, NZ
Pracilla144Sydney, NSW
Daniel143Sydney, NSW
Rayali143Sydney, NSW
Charbel143Sydney, NSW
Tom142Ballina, NSW 
Troy142Mackay, QLD
Leon142Sydney, NSW
Courtney142Tamworth, NSW
Andrew141Gold Coast, QLD 
Test141Penrith, NSW 
Lance141Tamworth, NSW
Emma140Rapid EduCON, Gold Coast 
Jarod138Cairns, QLD 
Jason138Christchurch, NZ
Marielle137Sydney, NSW
Jon137Tamworth, NSW
Leon136Sydney, NSW
Paul 135Gold Coast, QLD 
Andrew133Toowoomba, QLD 
Subhash125Rotorua, NZ
Tom124Auckland, NZ
Meena 123Rapid EduCON, Gold Coast 
Greg122Penrith, NSW 
Hayden120Rotorua, NZ
Alan119Toowoomba, QLD 
Sandra118Christchurch, NZ
Sam Page118Sydney, NSW
Brian82Gold Coast, QLD 
ADVION Knockout Challenge - Virtual Reality Game