Talking Pest Control: Quick Tips for Bed Bug Control

Talking Pest Control: Quick Tips on Bed Bug control

Demand Duo Insecticide provides excellent control on a range of pest insects, including bed bugs - even pyrethroid-resistant bed bugs like the notorious Sydney Strain. Resistant populations are well recorded in Australia and globally, with a strong resistance to pyrethroids being reasonably commonplace. Demand Duo has shown excellent control on the Australian "Sydney strain" bedbug which is resistant to pyrethroids. The combination of two active ingredients, with different modes of action, in one special ZC formulation, ensures control. Demand Duo's thiamethoxam and lambda-cyhalothrin, provide better control of bed bugs than either active ingredient on their own.

For the best results, apply as a low pressure coarse spray to infested areas for direct treatment and residual control. Demand Duo should be applied as a spot, crack, crevice and void treatment to areas where bedbugs congregate. These areas include bed frames, headboards, baseboards, bedside tables, cupboards, shelves, mouldings, door frames, window frames, behind mirrors and picture frames; around edges of carpet and floor coverings, skirting boards, and cracks and crevices. Bed bugs have even been known to hide behind wallpaper! It's important to be very thorough with your inspection and application because they’re sneaky little buggers! 

And of course, it's a good idea to share with your customer some advice on bedbug related hygiene practices, such as laundering washable items. 

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Talking Pest Control: Quick Tips for Bed Bug Control